During a laser hair removal treatment, light passes through the skin and is absorbed by the melanin in the hair shaft. This absorption raises the temperature of the hair follicle and thermally destroys the cells responsible for regrowth without negatively affecting the surrounding skin tissue.
The system uses the optimal epilation wavelength of the 808nm diode for deep penetration into the dermis where the hair follicle is located. In the treatment procedure, a series of low fluidity, high repetition of pulses increases the temperature of both the hair follicle and the nutritive tissue of the environment to 45 degrees centigrade. This heat energy absorbed directly by the hair follicle damages the follicle and prevents it from growing again.
The 808 nm diode laser hair removal system uses the most advanced technology in laser hair removal that penetrates better, has better performance, and clinical results, safely.
Laser diode hair removal is a safe and reliable high-tech device. Trained and qualified personnel can use this machine safely following proper operational and maintenance procedures.
The handle has a special cooling effect for more relaxing sessions with almost NO PAIN