Buying Spa equipment for your workplace is not an easy task.
Especially when it comes to seeking the most suitable for the type of clients that you're looking for and the type of services that you think offer.
The most important thing about buying Equipment for your area of Aesthetics is to help you be efficient both in results and in the time spent with each client, as far as you can increase your Appointments and also increase your income ... without lowering the quality of your service, but using the right tools and equipment to help you streamline your work.
Here at BlasonSpaEquipment, we will help in that process.
Visiting our showroom at Hialeah you can see, try and get an idea of what the market offers and how to use it to improve, renovate, or expand your services.
Buy with peace of mind and knowing that we will provide warranty and service on the products you purchase.

You do not have to spend a fortune on your SpaEquipment or wait weeks to arrive, you do not have to fight with vendors, returns, timeout, or receive what you did not expect.
Blason Spa Equipment will help you choose (with the customer in mind and the best prices), what you're looking for, allowing you to see, try, and check what you are buying.
Service, warranty, and training.
Blason Spa Equipment
3110 W 84th St Unit 4,
Hialeah Florida 33018
Phone: (786) 331-89-33 / (786) 331-7457 / (786) 255-4569